Sunday, February 8, 2009

Old Blog - 10.17.2005

Monday, October 17, 2005 

My Sister
Current mood:  touched 
Category: Life

So check out this e-mail I just got from my sister the writer.  I received this less than an hour after I sent her a whiny e-mail about how lame my life is right now. Ohhh I heart her.


Maybe it's good that Mom and Dad didn't have the third.  Imagine 
your life as the middle-child.

Well, the good news is that you're moving to New (Jersey) York in 
two months.  Just say two, even if it's three.  Holidays are subtracted 
because you get to see more friends.

The bad news is that you'll need to get used to being broke because 
going to be that way for a very long time.  Trust me.  I've been broke 
three years.

More good news is that I'm coming in barely over a month.  We have a 
date on 
Tuesday night (the Tuesday I arrive) after Mom and Dad go to bed.

More good news is that Mom and Dad will miss you so much after you 
they'll only remember how fun and perfect you really are.  Then, Joey 
be the screw-up.

The bad news is you'll probably have far worse bosses than Page.  The 
news is, you'll probably never have to drive again for a cell phone.

The good news is your sister lives in Greenwich Village, so you have a 
to crash there. The bad news is, KITTY will steal your thong again.

The good news is that you're moving in with a wonderful friend.  The 
news is that car insurance in New Jersey is stupid expensive.

Good news: Meredith has her degree and is pursuing something that very 
people will ever have the chance to do.

Bad news: There will always be bad news.  But your good news is so much 
better than all of that.

There never are in-betweens for people like you and I.  We live 
lives.  People who live in-between lives rent cars to people for a 

I love you.


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