Sunday, February 8, 2009

Old Blog - 7.31.2007

Tuesday, July 31, 2007 

Today I...
Current mood:  exhausted

...drove across town over near OMSI in 8 AM traffic to pick up 500 magnets.

...hauled ass to the Pearl Bakery to buy cookies before 9 AM, only to find out that the Pearl Bakery doesn't put out their full cookie selection until 9:30

...screwed up one of the simplest Outlook functions not once, not twice, but four times. This means about a dozen of my co-workers around the state received four conflicting, confusing e-mails about a meeting that may or may not happen on the 14th or 15th of August.

...paid 4.99 for "Just Mango" from Whole Foods and decided after two bites that it tastes like crap astronaut food. But proceeded to eat the entire thing because it was there.

...hurt my boss's feelings.

...had my boss tell me I hurt said feelings when another co-worker was standing right there.

...cried to my boss when I apologized for hurting her feelings.

...had my CFO tell me that I used to be sweet, but now I was a smart-aleck. a myspace friend request from a person I have no interest in being friends with in myspace or real life. It still sits in my inbox as I ponder the possible dramatic consequences of accepting or rejecting this request.

...drove to Oregon City in 5:00 traffic.

...met a 13 year-old kid who is the little brother of a girl I went to school with when I was 13. You do the math. I'm old.

...found out that I'm not the only one bothered by someone with an adolescent vendetta

...found an apartment I think I want to live in.

...was pulled over and given a sobriety test because apparently I swerved into the middle line four times on Hawthorne.

...passed said sobriety test and chatted with the nice officer about the many tragedies caused by drunk driving every day.

...noted that once again I got home after the laundry room has closed; I therefore will be sleeping on the couch for a third night in a row because I have no clean sheets.

The end.

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