Sunday, February 8, 2009

Old Blog - 11.24.2005

Thursday, November 24, 2005 

Thanksgiving Thoughts
Current mood:  full 
Category: Life

I'm thankful for this meal that is resting in my belly right now...

for my sister's safe journey across the country to be with us...

for getting to experience Yoni's first Thanksgiving with him, and for the inspiration I get from watching him learn and grow everyday...

for the new people that have come into my life recently that I feel like I have known for so much longer than a few months...

for the financial and emotional support my parents have given me without question during this crazy weird post-graduation transition...

for the living situation I have waiting for me in NY...

for the many health blessings in my family...

for warmth and humor and happy memories

for purple irises and grilled cheese sandwiches and unexpected good weather 

for love without condition and friendship without common languages and romance that doesn't make sense or follow logic

for questions that make me think and statements that leave me speechless and music that moves my heart and embraces that feel like conversations

for honesty, for character, for integrity, for ambition

for curiosity, for innocence, for optimism

for a new year of opportunities to come.

Happy Thanksgiving you guys. :)

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