Sunday, February 8, 2009

Old Blog - 12.22.2005

Thursday, December 22, 2005 

Just hiccup already geez.
Current mood:  pensive

I haven't felt like I've been able to get a good, normal, deep breath in four or five days. I end up making little gasping sighs. It feels like there is a hiccup high in my chest, at the base of my throat, that can't be released. A small little ball that wants to jump out but can't. I have to consciously tell myself to swallow. When I do, it makes my stomach churn.

Nerves to be addressed, ya think? 

It's a beautiful Oregon wintery day - it looks like God removed all color and then turned on the sprinkler system. This was the weather that made me happiest in Colorado. But here in my not-quite-heated office, with an hour and forty-five minutes left to waste, upcoming holidays for which I am NOT prepared, a relationship that is requiring more maintenance than originally planned, and an impending move across the country, I just end up pouting.

I wish I could snap out of it

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