Sunday, February 8, 2009

Old Blog - 6.19.2007

Tuesday, June 19, 2007 

Yes I am.
Current mood:  mellow

I'm in love with haiku - purposely quirky and esoteric. I'm in love with cheesy impromptu limericks that are not unsentimental despite their contrived rhyming.

I'm in love with aliases and nicknames.

I'm in love with hammocks swinging ever so slightly in the late summer. With brief spontaneity that changes us forever.

I'm in love with avocados, cut in half and extended by a large and warm hand. With that same hand holding mine gently as we bow our heads in prayer.

I'm in love with homemade cards. With collages of words and photos.

I'm in love with music that can elaborate the workings of my heart more than I myself can. With songs that instantly bring me back to past emotional states: Ben E. King. Counting Crows. Narcotango.

I'm in love with speaking in unison. I'm in love with the delight in discovering two minds having one thought. I'm in love with unusual common interests. I'm in love with made-up words.

I'm in love with a story about a weasel. A bowl of bleesings. A drunken super hero.

I'm in love with friendships that make people gossip. With the nicest song anyone has ever played for me. I'm in love with written words that made my eyes wet years after I had stopped crying.

Is there a rule that says we must be in love with one person and one person only? That that which we love must be manifested in a being? I don't like these rules right now. I'm in love with a compilation of memories. Details might get fictionalized slightly, but the emotional warmth never loses clarity.

They inspire me. They keep me from getting consumed by anger or mourning or, most recently, doubt. 

I refuse to participate in an "insert girlfriend here" equation. I prefer to hold out, intoxicated by my memories of beauty, until I find something that fits again. But better.

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